Hello everybody I am new to the supra boat forum and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction with some issue that I am having with my boat. 1st off is the other day when I did a oil change and put new spark plugs in I fired up the boat to check everything and I noticed that the transmission was spinning the prop like it was in gear but the throttle was in the neutral position I have been checking around the net to see what I could learn about the issue so far all I have come across is that clutch plates might be warped I was wondering if there are any other solutions or any thing else that might cause this to happen such as out of adjustment on the cable ect. and what I should try and do 1st to see if I can get this resolved before having to take it in. also what would be the worst to happen if I went ahead and ran it like that for the rest of the summer then get it taken care of in the winter. Any help and advise would be great thank you