Thanks everyone for the responses. I believe wotan's solution of running everything off the starting battery and leaving the house battery for the sound system and custom lighting should meet my needs. The main reason for the second battery is to listen to music while anchored up with friend at the sandbar.

The starting battery tested out to be good so I am planning to keep it and adding deep cycle battery as the second battery. Assuming I understand it correctly, that the ACR closes when the boat is running and charges both batteries simultaneously. Please correct me if I am wrong. Will there be any problems with having a starting and deep cycle battery connected while charging?

gnarlydude: If I am not mistaken, the busbar in the diagram Plum Nauti provided (thanks) is located under the dash and acts as the power distribution point for the boats accessories. In wotan's suggestion, the busbar will be connected to the same bank on the perko switch as the engine and the sound system will use the blank the busbar is connected to in the diagram.
