Quote Originally Posted by roosm View Post
I am not really getting it.
I think I'm mostly doing it like you, except I use the toilet plunger instead of pulling the water intake hose, and I pour the antifreeze into the thermostat instead of sucking it through the water pump.

I warm the engine, change the oil, run it again, and shut it down. Then drain the block and manifolds, and pour antifreeze into the thermostat. I was thinking the thermostat would be open still and antifreeze would go into the block and the manifolds. After a couple gallons if I open the block drains, there is nice pink coming out, so that path seems open still. Usually it takes 4-5 gallons before it is pink coming out the exhaust. Since I'm removing the water pump, the hose from the water pump to the thermostat always seems easy to use.

Picture is from the PCM owners manual ... kinda cute in an old-timey way. They suggest pulling every plug and putting fogging oil into each cylinder. That seems like a lot and I haven't been doing that. Just fogging down the carb.

No doubt the block can't have water or diluted antifreeze in it.