So I have read the many floor/stringer replacement threads, and here are the names that have been mentioned:

1. Donny at Bennett's Boat Repair: generally considered the best, but now retired?!??! so not an option

2. Jim at Viper Customs: seems to have good reviews but some concerns about cost.

3. Sexton's marine in TN- no further information besides some SWAG prices.

4., who have a picture of a Supra Comp before/after but little detail on the steps in the job.

Can anyone share detailed photos of the work a professional shop did? DIYs are numerous, and are no doubt very well done (probably better than a shop) but since I would have to hire it out I am concerned with a shoddy job that is carpet covered. I am in the Charlotte, NC area so if anyone has personal experience to share it would be very helpful. Something beyond "he does great work"- that is a good sign but when combined with pictures of the steps and details (like stringer drain slots) it would go a long way to help those of us hiring it out make a final decision.
