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    Default 87 Sun Sport Overhaul

    After seeing the successful outcomes of so many here, I've decided to take the plunge as a DIYer.

    * 1987 Supra Sun Sport. PCM 351w w/656hrs. Engine runs great. Will do a carb rebuild and other simple things, but mostly I'll leave it alone.
    * Boat ran aground and the prop and rudder shaft are in bad shape. The hull was barely damaged so all things considered, I'm quite thankful.
    * Rot is evident in some areas, but I'm taking the "Where there's smoke..." philosophy, so I'll be pulling the deck and redoing the floor and, most likely, the stringers.
    * All new uphostery and carpet.

    Here are some prliminary pics:

    Faded wave, and although the vinyl stripes look ok here, they're all nicked up everywhere else

    Bent rudder shaft. Hopefully can fix and balance.

    Prop severely damaged

    Rear seat frame rot

    Many more pics to come, as this will be long Fall/Winter project. I'd appreciate any help you're willing to provide.
    Last edited by NeilMcg; 11-06-2010 at 05:59 PM.

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