So, I'm sure many of you have kids that are a little older and many that have younger ones. I've been thinking for a while about having the talk about sex and open the line of communication with my oldest son. Last night, there was a good opportunity, so I took it. My wife and I both talked to him, and we feel like it went well. I'm curious about what type of things you have included in the talk or what things you plan to if you haven't done it yet.

I spent time asking some open ended question with him about what he thought sex was. I also asked him what he thought the purpose was and what it means. I told him how it works (mechanics), and what the potential outcome could be. I also made sure he understood that anything he wanted to talk about or had questions about, he can always come to me.

Like I said, I think it went well and was one of those parenting moments that will leave a lasting impression...probably on him as much as me.