Hi Folks,

Anyone experience this one? We noticed that the carpet was slightly under water on the right hand side, nearest the outboard edge, while we had stopped to switch riders. I opened the engine cover and found the bilge uncomfortably full. Needless to say, we cut our fun and games short and headed for the beach. I had my bilge pump on at the time we noticed the water in the boat, but I am unsure if water was pumping as I was to busy to look overboard. After putting the nose of the boat onto the sand next to the boat launch, I shut her down, and noted a strong stream of water exiting the bilge outlet.

I asked my wife to monitor the pumping while I went to retrieve the truck and trailer. By the time I had the trailer in the water, the pump had nearly emptied the bilge (as much as it could), and my wife had shut it down. I started the boat, and backed it out, and put it on the trailer.

Now I am at home, trying to figure out what happened. I don't think there are too many leak opportunities; In my mind the possibilities are: 1) Drive shaft, 2) Rudder shaft, 3) Coolant system, 4) Hull breach, and perhaps the 5) Exhaust to transom interface.

1) Drive shaft: I have a drip less seal on my driveshaft, which appears to be in good working order. I checked the hose clamps, they seem tight. As the seal was installed by a previous owner, I am not familiar with how these drip less things work, and what their failure mechanisms are.

2) Rudder shaft: This is what I suspect the most. I have the early style, with no O rings. My rudder shaft has a little bit of free play in the rudder shaft, and when I wiggled it, drops of water spilled out. So I just removed the steering arm, and removed the gland/retaining nut, and removed the rudder. The gland nut is full of a soft waxy substance white in color. It is probably the wax rope that is old and highly compressed, as it has completely mushed into a continuous su8bstance, that I suspect does not put enough tension against the shaft to seal anymore.

I am curious what those of you who have disassembled your shaft seals have found in the gland nut, and if replacement of the seal has successfully dried up your bilge? Also, where does one find new wax rope?

3) Coolant system: I did not notice any glaring leaks during the event, but I didn't look hard or long. I plan to check all of the clamps. I ran the engine on the hose hours before I put it in the lake, so I really wouldn't expect this to be the root cause, but I plan to try and validate this. Engine temps where normal during the event, and while returning ot the beach.

4) Hull breach: also unlikely, as the hull has not toughed anything but water and the trailer since I last used the boat.

5) Exhaust to transom interface: I was surprised to see water on the oubd portion of the floor, as the water path from the bilge should not be through all of the floatation foam under the floor. I would have expected the bilge to overfill from the center of the boat. I don't get it, unless perhaps my exhaust is leaking at the transom? I supposes I should take the supertrapps off and attempt to re-seal.

I would really appreciate any feedback you might have, especially if you have ever had a similar experience, or you have any ideas or recommendations on how to troubleshoot or solve.

Thanks in advance,