Went out on Sunday and the day was great for the first hour and half, boat ran great and it was a beautiful day. We were sitting near the dock waiting to pick some more people up when suddenly the boat died. It would start back up and run for varying periods of time, from thirty seconds to two minutes then it would die again. I had an issue last year with what I thought was the fuel pump but turned out to be a bad battery, replaced the battery and fuel pump and it ran fine, plus the fuel pump is priming when I turn the switch to on so I know it's in operating order. The fuel is from July of last year, I filled it up and because of distractions and life I only used about a quarter of that tank the remainder of the season. I didn't think about it until December/January but I realized I forgot to put Stabil in the fuel so I put some in around January. The boat was stationary so it probably didn't mix well and I didn't put any fresh gas on top of this gas when I went to the lake. This was my second trip to the lake this season, the first trip didn't last an hour (just testing to make sure everything worked) and was trouble free. The second trip was this past Sunday and like I said, it died after about an hour and a half. So, does it sound like the gas has gone bad? It wouldn't surprise me, I'm not sure what else it could be. It's weird that it ran for about two and half hours on this gas before problems began, but maybe the stabil helped some and that's why it worked? I'm not sure. Should I siphon the rest of the gas out and put fresh in? It's about 35 to 40 gallons and it would suck to waste it, is it worth trying to rehabilitate it or just start fresh, assuming gas is the problem?