So like I mentioned over in general discussion, we got our 2012 242 on Friday.

We had a plan for trying different setups for surfing to begin with the stock ballast. We tried just the stock rear bag full on surf side, which for us is goofy. There was a ride-able wave, well, the wife is the real surfer so she did all of the early testing and SHE could ride it, me, probably not so much. But is was obviously not very large. It had a nice shape just not much push. Of course this came as no surprise as 400 lbs in the rear corner of this stretch limo is like tossing a hotdog down a hallway, not much impact.

We went through some different setups using the stock ballast and the approximately 2000 pounds of bags we had from surfing the 86 Sunsport. The best wave coming with as much weight as we could stuff in the rear compartment surf side and under all of the seats in the back surf side. We also had all the stock ballast on board. the wave is big, powerful like you can't imagine and long. The end of the day yesterday I got to ride the final setup and it was all I could do to keep the board from gnawing at the rear of the boat. It just keeps pushing you forward. I could ride as far back as the rope would let you then the curl would come over and grab my back leg. A better surfer could certainly go back even further.

We had a Ronix rope on the tower but I don't know how long it is. It was way back, I mean WAY back compared to the 86 even with the 2000+ pounds we carried in it. I would guess we had about 1500 over stock ballast all on surf side. Couple of cool things, the boat leans very little, the rub rail is still 6+ inches out of the water and the bow sits low enough that I can drive and look through the windshield. The Zero Off cruise is wonderful and keeps the boat right on speed. The steering is feather light and it goes where you point it. A couple times I walked to the back of the boat while underway, NOT recommended for obvious reasons, and it just kept going straight.

The only complaint so far is the FM reception is really poor. The little wire antenna under the front is inadequate for our area. I'm thinking a small antenna hidden under there will remedy that. Wouldn't worry about it and just use music on media but the local station does promos on the lake and we like getting free shirts etc...

I will get pics up and videos soon.