This is just a quick rant / PSA regarding maintenance. This weekend while my 2-yr old son was napping I took the time to vacuum the boat, and then inevitably found a half-dozen things to do; nothing big but I found myself spending an entire hour just doing little stuff, that will probably save me future headaches. I fastened the engine cover so it can't get bumped into the RWP pulley, I cleaned the flame arrestor, I tightened or replaced probably 10 screws in various places, and checked the oil and transmission fluid, looked over the steering and control cables to check for chafing, inspected all the plug wires... you get the idea.

So just because you don't think your boat needs anything, or even if it's running perfectly, take a few minutes (maybe grab a beer) and look it over with a fine-toothed comb. I'm sure you'll find a chafing wire or cable, a loose bolt or screw, something. It's time well spent.

I'll get off my soapbox now.