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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central Texas

    Default Throttle and shift adjustment

    I noticed on the last outing that the throttle delay is missing. So when you move the throttle at the helm the engine starts revving up before the transmission is fully in gear. I pulled the Morse Control out and didn’t see anywhere to adjust the linkage.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central Texas


    For those that might have this issue somewhere down the road, I found the correct procedure to fix my issue on correctcraftfan.

    1. Disconnect cables at trans and carb

    2. At the morse control disconnect both cables and rotate the brass pin connector so there is approx 1/8" of thread showing at the cable end. Reconnect both cables to the morse.

    3.At the transmission, place the transmission bracket(the one that the cable attached to) in neutral. You may have to move it back and forth to feel exactly where neutral is but it should detent in the center of travel. Once you find a firn neutral connect your trans cable.

    4. Step 4 is the magic. Go back to the morse control and with the transmission engage button in, move the throttle lever to the forward engage detent. Just move it forward and it should lock into the forward position firmly, stop whne it does so. Now go to the carb, adjust the cable connector so the throttle cable smoothly attaches to the carb stud without moving the throttle. You are done.

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