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Thread: Velvet drive

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Great Lakes, IL

    Default Replying to Topic 'Velvet drive'

    The tranny shifts from forward, neutral, and reverse no problem. The throttle moves no problem in forward all the way to full throttle. I'm looking at it and I don't see how it can physically move the throttle cable in the same direction when pulling the lever back to go in to reverse. Maybe I'm missing something???????? I don't know.

    When in reverse it pushes a spring like device back, it looks like it was designed to do this, but the throttle doesn't move, it just pushes the cable instead of pulling it like in forward......

    Please HELP !!
    88' Supra Bravura

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Great Lakes, IL

    Default Replying to Topic 'Velvet drive'

    Forgot, yes it is a brand new unit, only the control unit itself, nothing else was replaced.
    88' Supra Bravura

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Default Replying to Topic 'Velvet drive'

    can you check with the people you bought it from (skidim?). the gearing in the control unit is what allows the throttle cable to work the same in both forward and reverse. when you move the lever either forward or reverse, the lever is still moving and that is what causes the throttle cable to move....and it only moves one direction unlike the tranny cable.

    i would try to verify how it is supposed to work, was your old unit no longer being made? i can't see why it would be different. but, perhaps they can help you trouble shoot it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Great Lakes, IL

    Default Replying to Topic 'Velvet drive'

    I have attached a picture. Hopefully it works and you can see it.

    Bought it on Ebay. It's an MV-2 Morse control, updated version of the current one.

    Tried moving cables around and such and w/o actually trying it out, which unfortunatly I have not been able to do, due to work and weather, I just do not see how it will pull the throttle cable when pulling lever back for reverse gear.

    This is a backside view of the throttle, I removed the side panel to get at it better. ON top is the tranny cable and bottom is the throttle cable.....

    WHat does this look like compared to yours, it you remember or have looked at it recently.

    Tried to find install instructions on web but to no avail.......
    88' Supra Bravura

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Default Replying to Topic 'Velvet drive'

    that looks like mine, from what i can remember. it was a while ago when i replaced my throttle cable and i'm trying to wake up those brain cells. one thing i would suggest checking are the brass ends that your cables screw into right there at the control unit. i had one wear out and it would bind the controls up. the end of the fitting with the cotter pin should be fully round and have no grooves in them.

    also, try disconnecting the throttle cable and see if your lever moves freely then. it looks like the cables are attached and routed correctly....from what i remember.

    *i had to save the file before i could view it, in case anyone else tries to look.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Great Lakes, IL

    Default Replying to Topic 'Velvet drive'

    Finally got it.....after several days of fiddling with it and busting brain cells over it. I was sitting in bed about 11pm last night after several days away from it thinking about it and it hit me. So off with my flashlight and tool box I went. In the picture you see the throttle cable should be connected perpindicular to the tranny ( not pararell to it ) pointing straight towards the front of the boat not down to the floor. Once I thought about it I don't see how I didn't figure it out in the first place. I guess it is my old age showing, and my brain not working as well.....

    Thanks for all your help.....
    88' Supra Bravura

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