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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Louisville KY

    Default My river days...

    This happen a while ago but I never shared lol It was my VERY bad month luck... This happen when i first bought it and had it only had it out the 3rd time... It was the 4th of July weekend and that is when my motor blew up a had to replace it with a rebuilt.. So the day I got it out of the shop I went to take it out on the river just to run it ::I hate the river:: But my buds wanted to ride so I went... When filling up the boat I was pulled up and was backing up and a BMW decided he was going to cut through the gas pump and my boat so he ended up underneath my swim platform with a big gash in his hood! NO damage to the boat. Then after I did a report I was finally off to the river... Was out until it started to get dark then I was heading back and noticed something in the water... Well i'll let the pics tell the rest of the story... I almost did not make it back and it was dark by then in the Ohio River.... But it didn't tear anything up... OH and might I add that the day before I was suppose to pick up my new supra someone ran a stop sign and plowed into the side of my Escalade...All this happened in a month lol and btw I NEVER have been back to the river since...
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Looks like fish net . If it is. Next time if your just cruising and you see a net you can‘t avoid don‘t do any thing . No turns or change of the throttle go strait over. You might get lucky. The prop only has about 10% slippage. There is a chance you won‘t get hung up . This won’t work with a out drive boat. I wonder how much flack I’m going to get over this ? Sorry for the bad day . Glad you didn’t add blow out on the freeway 2 miles for the off ramp and it’s @102.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Parkersburg, WV


    I know what you mean about the Ohio River - it can get real busy with debris, trash, logs, picnic tables, campers . . . just when you think you've seen it all! A few years ago I just missed a 55-gal drum that was submerged just below the water - I never saw it until my wake exposed it, and of course I was pulling my son on the wakeboard. Now I always make a surveillance pass before I put anyone in the water. Many days we just don't go because even though the weather may be beautiful, the river is nasty. Problem is, the river's close and the lakes are 2+ hours away . . .

    Hagman - funny you should mention the blowout. When I brought my boat back from Michigan we lost a bearing and I had to have my boat and trailer towed on a rollback for the last 100 miles at $4 per mile! Talk about getting off to a bad start!

    Wake the World - West Virginia

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Louisville KY


    It was a very large barge rope... It was getting dark out and by the time I saw it it was too late...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Man I love summer! The first few spring weekends we go out are just cruising slow, looking for all the crap in the river! One year I just missed a telephone pole, or it could have been a dock piling- floating on end- that was scary. So now we just take it easy the first few times, and after a big storm. But like csuggs said, all the lakes are 2+ hours away.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    The river certainly gets interesting at times. Lots of debris some days, can be challenging driving... and have to spot your landings when riding to avoid large debris. I've seen everything from telephone poles, railroad ties, pilings, trees, deer, and all sorts of stuff. A lot of it lurks just below the surface and you can only spot it between the crests of waves, which makes flat water nerve wracking at times

    One time after riding we drove down to the city for lunch, while it was quite rough and the ol' Saltare probably spent more time in the air than the water we made it. On the way back the whole river was full of debris and we had to idle several miles north nosing through debris and dodging the big stuff. Another time I was riding in flat flat water and my buddy driving damn near hit a submerged piling. I saw it and started waving my arms, hollering and pointing, fortunately he saw it. So yeah, lots of insurance claims floating in the river.

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