Quote Originally Posted by djm284 View Post

1. For the original job (reseting and glassing the shaft log) what is the best way to fill the areas where I had to grind down the the hull (red areas)? lively mentioned cutting a piece of glass that fits into each void. For the second layers, do I level the area with epoxy, or push the second layers down into the voids as well?

2. Based on what I've found so far, any thoughts on how to move forward with the area that is seeping water? Where/how should I continue to drill without causing a new problem?

3. Do I need to consider taking up the floor now? If I wait until late fall, how much more damage am I risking? Is there a quick fix way to do further investigation, dry out under floor, and/or remove wet foam without doing a full floor removal, at least enough to get me through this season without allowing significant further damage from the water.

4. For the cracks around the exhaust, what's the best way forward? I'm thinking pull the loose stuff, then add CPES and glass over it.

1. You can lay a layer of glass to fill it then smooth as much as possible. You could also do some thickened epoxy with CSM, but you would get more strength out of a layer of glass, I think.
2. I would just try to dry the area and glass it for now.
3. Based on the fact you're finding some good wood when you drill and not much water, I'm not sure you are totally in the danger zone yet. I'd be more inclined to make sure all the motor mount lag screws are tight and go from there.
4. That could be a reasonable approach. There isn't anything extremely structural there if I'm thinking correctly based on the pictures. CPES probably won't help the wood a whole lot, but it can't hurt.