Hey all Just thought i would throw this at you guys and see where it goes. I have a 1991 Supra TS6M Comp and it has an overheating issue. Thus far I have changed the impellar, thermostat, and even taken it to the shop. The shop gave it back and said "it was just a slight clog in the transmission cooling intersection." They said they ran it and everything was fine. I took it out for the first time since they worked on it and suprise suprise 220 sitting at the dock. Didnt even get it off the trailer. IT also has power loss big time (wont even plain) when it starts to get too hot (190 +) Engine is 351W PCM with Holley Double and electric ignition. The exhaust mainfold on the right side has heat exchange from engine while the left does not. dont know what else to look for.